About Paul

PAUL W. LERMITTE has been advising families in business for over 25 years. He is a trained Family Enterprise Advisor through the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia, and he is part of an international network of Family Business Advisors through the Family Firm Institute.
Paul has a particular passion for helping families transition their business by thoroughly preparing the younger generation for the responsibilities and tasks ahead of them. His vision starts with training the very youngest of children in basic financial literacy concepts, and he offers age-appropriate training for youth right through into adulthood. To book him as a speaker, contact Paul today.
Fast Facts About Paul
- bought his first Canada Savings Bond when he was eight years old, with
earnings from his job as a paper carrier - as a young adult, worked in landscaping, the construction industry, and at a
gas station - Senior Wealth Advisor (Canada)
- BA (Business) from Trinity Western University
- Certified Financial Planner
- Family Enterprise Advisor (FEA), Sauder School of Business, UBC
- Fellow, Family Firm Institute (FFI)
- Certificates in Advanced Business Family Advising and Advanced Family
Wealth Advising (Family Firm Institute) - Registered Financial Planner
A Message from Paul Lermitte
As a Family Enterprise Advisor to family business owners for many years, I was surprised to discover that teaching my own boys how to handle money well took a lot more work and thought than I expected! Together, my wife and I worked out a method for teaching our boys good money management, and I felt I should share what we learned along the way.
That’s how my book Allowances, Dollars & Sense, for parents of children ages 5 to 12, came to be. First published in 1999, the book will soon be released in a 20th-anniversary edition. That is exciting news—and makes me very proud. I am thrilled that parents still value this book and its sequel, Dreams, Dollars & Sense, written for the parents of teens.
As a Family Enterprise Advisor, I soon realized that the topic of financial literacy was especially important for family business owners. Just like reading, the best time to teach our children fundamental principles of great money management is in early childhood. These lessons take time and maturity to take root.
Decisions, Dollars & Sense, the third book my Family Finances series, provides financial guidance for young adults between the ages of 20 and 39. At this exciting time of life, when working on their postsecondary education or establishing a career, young people face countless and sometimes difficult decisions. This book aims to help them as they make important financial decisions that may have long-term ramifications.
Finally, Book 4 in the series, Legacy, Dollars & Sense, offers family business owners the crucial tools and guidance they need to preserve wealth and plan for the future. Over the years, I have seen many businesses succeed in preparing the next generation of leadership. I’ve also seen how they can go wrong in their succession planning. Here I offer best practices to ensure a smooth and profitable transition for your family business.
To hear more from me, please read my blog or visit my YouTube channel. If you have other questions, you can always reach me at [email protected].