Dollars & Sense Book Series
“Money management will always be an essential skill,” says Financial Enterprise Advisor and author Paul W. Lermitte. “The best time to learn great skills is RIGHT NOW!” Paul’s Family Finances series of books grew out of his efforts to teach his own three young sons sound money-management skills. The series includes books for parents of young children and teens as well one targeted to young adults. All feature real-world advice, practical tips, and handy worksheets. Read on to learn more about Paul’s books, to download worksheets, or to order e-book or print copies. For bulk orders at discount prices, please contact Paul.

Allowances, Dollars & Sense
A Proven System for Teaching Your Kids About Money
GIVE YOUR KIDS THE GIFT OF FINANCIAL LITERACY. This popular book helps parents teach young children foundational lessons in financial literacy. Instilling positive financial values helps children:
- learn how to set goals and achieve results
- become money-smart consumers
- gain confidence in all of their decision-making
- develop consistent money habits and skills
- grow up to be responsible adults
Praise For This Book
The easy-to-follow format progresses from the simple topic of allowance through introducing kids to investing and to setting lifetime goals. It’s pretty powerful stuff. Mada Johnson, ISLAND PARENT
Allowances, Dollars & Sense helps parents instill basic savings and spending skills in their kids . . . Paul has loaded the book with tips and teaching aids. Tony Wanless, FINANCIAL POST
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Dreams, Dollars & Sense
Strategies for Teaching Your Teens About Money
HELP YOUR TEENS ACHIEVE FINANCIAL SUCCESS. Paul’s second book and revised version provides parents of teens with age-appropriate advice and suggestions on fundamental financial topics. Help your teens:
- avoid the pitfalls of “marketing madness”
- learn about short-term savings and investments
- consider opportunities after high school
- develop business skills and get their first job
- dream big, set goals, and achieve results
Praise For This Book
Lermitte coaches concrete strategies to ensure teens develop abundant financial self-sufficiency. Ian McNaughton, PhD, past president, BC ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL COUNSELLORS
A must-have in any parent’s library. From providing Internet guidelines to helping teens with investing, the author offers ‘reality checks,’ practical examples, and worksheets from start to finish. Jane Hilburt-Davis, President, KEY RESOURCES LLC
SAMPLE PAGES: Click to enlarge or download bonus free worksheets

Decisions, Dollars & Sense
Helping You Navigate Your Financial Future
MANAGE YOUR MONEY TO GAIN FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Third in the Family Finances series, this book provides young adults with sound financial guidance to help them create a personal strategy for wealth creation. This book will show you how to:
- identify your “money type” and “burn rate”
- manage your cash and use credit wisely
- avoid debt and save for your priorities
- invest now, without waiting for “extra money”
- set career goals to design the life you want
Praise For This Book
Paul has captured and articulated one of the most complex issues that we all have—our relationship with money. . . . Decisions, Dollars & Sense moves our money relationship and journey forward. Ann Dugan, FAMILY OFFICE EXCHANGE, CHICAGO
Paul Lermitte has done it again, providing a comprehensive and practical guide to financial planning that goes well beyond the basics. Laura Greig, MA, AXISS CONSULTING, leadership coach & family enterprise advisor
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Coming Soon!
A Legacy of Dollars & Sense
Expert Advice on Family Wealth Legacy Planning