Make Your Dreams Come True!!
In January, many people make something called a “Resolution.” That is another word for a goal to change something or achieve something in your life. Dreams aren’t just for when you sleep, you know. Your dreams are also the great things you want to do with your life.
Can you think of a goal you would like to work at this year? It could be anything! Some ideas are: being nicer to your sister, helping your Mom put away the groceries, doing your chores without complaining, or even saving $200 to buy a new iPod Nano!
The first step is to dream BIG!!
O.K., now write down (or get an adult to help you) three things you would like to do in your life. You can use the Big Dreams Formula Sheet if you want, or even just print out this post and jot them in here:
Next write down three things you’d like to do in the next 3 years, then in 1 year, and finally, next month. You can change your mind later, but it’s good to write down your ideas because they will stay clear in your mind!
Three years:
One year:
Next month:
Make a poster about your goals that to hang on your wall. It will remind you and keep you on track. Be creative! Cut out pictures from magazines, or get pictures off the computer. These are your dreams so show them the way you want!
All done? Great! Now you are on your way to making your goal happen!
Photo Credit: byrdiegyrl